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The Aqua-Fence, Cesme, Turkey

October 3rd, 2014  |  Published in ARCHITECTURE, HOME & GARDEN, FEATURE

In western Turkey, there is a beautiful coastal town called Cesme. In this town there is a villa owned by a businessman/topographical engineer by the name of Mehmet Ali Gokceoglu. One day, when thinking about what to do for a fence, Gokceoglu came up with a novel idea: the aqua-fence.

It’s gorgeous. That was my first thought. My second thought was, sadly, how this would last maybe a day in any number of cities before vandals came upon it and destroyed the thing for whatever horrible reason (or no reason at all). I’m not too familiar with crime culture in Cesme, but if this kind of thing can survive without being smashed to pieces, that’s awesome.

Although the fence is open to the public to see, there are limits. To protect the fence, Gokceoglu has 17 cameras with facial recognition capability and there is an alarm system that will go off if people get too close, apparently.

According to an article by Luxury Launches, the aquarium is 50 metres long, cost $21,000 (denomination not defined, maybe USD?) and contains over 100 types of aquatic life including fish, eels, and octopuses.

And here are some of my favourite photos of the fence in its magnificence also from Luxury Launches:


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5. cesme-aquarium-fence-0-600x450

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