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Cliffs Impasse – Senneville-sur-Fécamp, France

April 1st, 2015  |  Published in ARCHITECTURE, HOME & GARDEN, FEATURE

| “At the end of an impasse, on top of a cliff, at the end of the world. What better place to escape from the world, to create a space that allows thoughts to run wild?” — Antonin Ziegler, Architect | Image Credits – Antonin Ziegler

There’s a rural region in northern France on the coast of the English Channel known as Senneville-sur-Fécamp. In this region, Paris architect Antonin Ziegler was hired to make a 645 square foot addition to an old stone home. Its name is Cliffs Impasse and it’s a two floor structure with a library up top and garage on the bottom.

Its exterior employs plywood blackened by pine tar, a weatherproofing material. Untreated ply was used for the interior. Large windows are on three of its four sides.

I’ve never been a fan of flat roofs fearing inadequate drainage would lead to leaks and decay. I’ll assume there are systems in place to sufficiently manage the water.

Visually, from some angles, a strange combination, the old with the new; from the back it works. Too drab on the outside for my tastes. Despite that, from the inside, a beautiful reading room conveniently attached to the home with a nice, expansive view of the yard. Extensive library, warm beverage, biscotti. Nice Sunday.

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Building Exterior



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4 Cliffs-Impasse-by-Antonin-Ziegler_dezeen_784_4


Building Interior



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4. Cliffs-Impasse-by-Antonin-Ziegler_dezeen_468_16


5. Cliffs-Impasse-by-Antonin-Ziegler_dezeen_784_16

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